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"Gordon Ramsay: The Chef"

Renowned chef, TV personality and restaurateur Gordon Ramsay has become a household name for his fierce reviews and unflinching critique of aspiring chefs on shows such as Fox’s MasterChef andGordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. In the new issue of People Magazine, Ramsay not only touches on his new projects, but also his humble beginnings.


Growing up, Ramsay was never fully removed from a kitchen. As the son of a chef, he learned the ropes early, from chopping vegetables to learning the finer skills of cooking. Like many British Scots-Irish families, Ramsays were struggling to make ends meet and were living off of meals made from second-hand produce. Despite the lack of resources, his mother and grandmother taught him the importance of cooking with love, a skill he would later use to innovate his own trend in the culinary world.


Ramsay started his career in London restaurants like Harveys and Le Gavroche before heading over to Paris to hone his culinary talents. After extended trips to France and other parts of Europe, he brought a more refined style of cooking to his native Britain. His big break came in 1997 when he opened the London restaurant Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, quickly establishing a name for himself as a Michelin-star chef and culinary expert.


In spite of his successes, Ramsay is still passionate about the craft and strives to pass on his knowledge and insight to aspiring cooks. “I am a realist, but I am not a pessimist,” said Ramsay. "I want to inspire people to cook, and I'd love to encourage them to get out there and try something different." With many upcoming projects, Ramsay's message of cooking with love and using fresh, quality ingredients is certain to be shared with many.


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